Ethics in Practice: BLACKWELL 1996 "This collection strikes
me as an excellent choice for all manner of courses in practical
Preface to instructors
General Introduction
Reading Philosophy
Ethical Theory
"Why Physicians Should Aid the Dying" Gregory Pence[N]
"Justifying Physician-Assisted Deaths" Tom L. Beauchamp[N]
"Euthanasia and Rule Utilitarianism" Brad Hooker[N]
"Dying at the Right Time: Reflections on (Un)assisted Suicide" John Hardwig [N]
"The Moral and Legal Status of Abortion" Mary Ann Warren [R]
"A Defense of Abortion" Judith Jarvis Thomson
"An Argument that Abortion is Wrong" Don Marquis [R]
"Redefining Abortion," Barbara Katz Rothman
"All Animals Are Equal" Peter Singer
"The Moral Community" Michael Allen Fox
"Moral Standing, the Value of Lives, and Speciesism" R.G.Frey
"The Case for Animal Rights" Tom Regan
"Learning to See the Animals Again" John P. Gluck [N]
"What Do Grown Children Owe Their Parents?" Jane English
"Emotional Exploitation" Sandra Lee Bartky [R]
"The Priority of Personal Relationships" Bernard Williams
"Morality, Parents and Children" James Rachels
"Morality and Human Sexuality" Vincent Punzo
"Plain Sex" Alan Goldman
"What's Wrong with Rape?" Pamela Foa
"Why Homosexuality is Abnormal" Michael Levin
"Homosexuality, Morals, and the Law of Nature" Burton M. Leiser[N]
"Servility and Self-Respect" Thomas E. Hill, Jr.
"Generosity" James D. Wallace
"On Improving People by Political Means" Lester H. Hunt
"Social Basis of Character" Steven Fesmire [N]
"Freedom of Action" J.S. Mill[A]
"Against the Legalization of Drugs" James Q. Wilson
"Taking Drugs Seriously" Ann E. Cudd [R]
"Permissible Paternalism: Saving Smokers from Themselves " Robert E. Goodin [R]
"Freedom of Thought and Discussion" J.S. Mill [A]
"Do We Have a Right to Pornography?" Ronald Dworkin
"Pornography, Speech Acts, and Silence" Rae Langton [R]
"Speech Codes and Feminism" Marilyn Friedman [R]
"Sticks and Stones" John Arthur [N]
Sexual and Racial Discrimination
"Racisms" Kwame Anthony Appiah
"Oppression by Choice" Ann E. Cudd [R]
"Sexual Harassment" Anita M. Superson
"Date Rape" Lois Pineau
"Male Responsibility for Rape" Larry May and Robert Strikwerda [R]
Affirmative Action
"Affirmative Action" Michael Levin
"The Rights of Allan Bakke" Ronald Dworkin
"Affirmative Action as Equalizing Opportunity: Challenging the Myth of `Preferential Treatment'"
Luke Charles Harris and Uma Narayan [N]
"Two Concepts of Rules," John Rawls
"Punishment and Desert" James Rachels [N]
"Repentance and Criminal Punishment" Jeffrie G. Murphy
"Making Hard Time Even Harder" Lynn Pasquerella [N]
"The Principle of State Compensation," John Haldane &Anthony Harvey [R]
Economic Justice
"Two Principles of Justice" John Rawls
"Distributive Justice" Robert Nozick
"Displacing the Distributive Paradigm," Iris Marion Young
"Property Rights, Economic Inequalities, and International Obligations" Clark Wolf [N]
World Hunger and International Justice
"Free Movement: If People Were Money" Robert E. Goodin[R]
"Famine, Affluence, and Morality" Peter Singer
"Rights and the Duty to Bring Aid" John Arthur
"Hunger and Development" David Crocker
"Feeding People versus Saving Nature?" Holmes Rolston III [R]
"The Land Ethic" Aldo Leopold
"Reconciling Anthropocentric & Non-anthropocentric Environmental Ethics" James P. Sterba[R]
"The Power and Promise of Ecological Feminism" Karen J. Warren
"Environmental Ethics: A Triangular Affair" J. Baird Callicott