USF St. Petersburg — Davis Hall

Hugh LaFollette
Cole Chair in Ethics Emeritus
Professor of Philosophy Emeritus
University of South Florida
Knoxville, TN

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Robert Marion LaFollette's 1924 Speech
"On Responsible Government" -- watch
[Who he is.]
Courtesy of Lee LaFollette & Daniel ("D.B") & Cyndi Buchanan

[Classes] [Ethics Resources] [Former Radio Show] [International Encyclopedia of Ethics] [Brief Bio] [Personal] [Research]

    [Hugh LaFollette at USF Digital Commons

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In Defense of Gun Control. Oxford University Press, 2018.

The Practice of Ethics. Blackwell, 2007.

Truncated argument of Chapter 5

2023: Racism. Published online in The Tennessean (25 August 2023).

Brute Science: The Dilemmas of Animal Experimentation (with N. Shanks). Routledge 1997 (Philosophical Issues in Science series).

Personal Relationships: Love, Identity, and Morality. Blackwell 1996.


2000: Slovenian. Mariboir.

2000: Turkish. (2nd ed, trans. Femma Lekesizalin). Ayrinti Press.

1997: Turkish. (trans. Femma Lekesizalin). Ayrinti Press.

Chapters Reprinted:

1999: “Morality and Personal Relationships.” In S. Luper and C. Brown (eds), The Moral Life (2nd ed). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Books Edited

Ethics in Practice: An Anthology (5th edition), Wiley Blackwell, 2020.  6th Edition forthcoming (2025).

Earlier editions:

4th edition: 2014

3rd edition: 2007

2nd edition: 2002

1st edition: 1997

Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory (2nd edition), with Ingmar Persson. Wiley Blackwell, 2013.

Earlier Editions:

1st edition: 2001

Translated (1st edition):

2004: Chinese. China Renmin University Press

Reprinted (1st edition)

2002: NetLibrary (electronic)

Oxford Handbook of Practical Ethics. Oxford, 2003. 


2005: My Library (electronic)

2003: EBSCO (electronic)

World Hunger and Morality  (with W. Aiken). Prentice-Hall, 1996.

Person to Person (with G. Graham). Temple University Press, 1989.

Whose Child (with W. Aiken). Rowman & Allenheld, 1980.


        2024: with permission of Rowman, via the University of South Florida's website.  Link provided shortly.

World Hunger and Moral Obligation (with W. Aiken). Prentice-Hall, 1977.

Encyclopedia Edited

International Encyclopedia of Ethics [2nd ed] (11 volumes).  Editor-in-chief.  Wiley Blackwell  2021. Publisher's IEE Site. The 1st print edition appeared in 2013.  The first online update apppeared mid-2015, with annual updates thereafter. By the 2025 update, there will be more than ninety new and ninety revised entries.

Journal Articles (long)

"Self-Made Person: Myth, Reality, and Promise."  Filosofiska Notiser. 10.1 -- pp/ 57-68 (2023).
        A truncated version appeared in The Tennessean 13 May 2022 (online) and 23 May 2022, p. A19 (print).  
        Related ideas discussed extensively by C.Dillard in
         "Constitiung over Constitutions

"Kinship and Intimacy." Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics. 2017: 33-40.

"My Conscience May Be My Guide, but You May not Need to Honor It." Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics, 2017: 44-58.

              2025: Ethics in Practice (6th).
                2021: Ethics in Practice (5th).

"The Greatest Vice?" Journal of Practical Ethics, 2016, 4 (2): 1-24.

The Limits of Haidt: How His Explanation of Political Animosity Fails,” (with M. Woodruff). Philosophical Psychology, 2015, 452-65.

Licensing Parents Revisited,” Journal of Applied Philosophy, 2010, 327-43.

2023: Philosophie der Kindheit.  Springer.


2017: Parental Rights and Responsibilities, Stephen Gilmore (ed). Routledge.

2016: Ashgate Library of Essays on Family Rights, Stephen Gilmore (ed).  Ashgate

Popularized version of themes:

2022: "Parents, Children, and Education."  Page E4, Knoxville News Sentinel, 20 November.

Private Conscience, Public Acts”, (with E. LaFollette).  Journal of Medical Ethics, 2007.


2009: Newsletter of Philosophy and Medicine (American Philosophical Association).  Renamed, “The Professional Conscience” (2nd page of the Newsletter proper; 4th page of the PDF).

Living on a Slippery Slope.” The Journal of Ethics, 2005, 475-99.

Collateral Consequences of Punishment: Civil Penalties Accompanying Formal Punishment.” Journal of Applied Philosophy, 2005, 241-61.

Controlling Guns.”Criminal Justice Ethics. 2001.

Gun Control.” Ethics, 2000, 263-81.


2018:  Political Problems.  S. Cahn and R. Talisse.  Routledge
2014: Ethics in Practice (4th edn). H. LaFollette (ed.). Wiley-Blackwell.

2011: Political Problems.  S. Cahn and R. Talisse (eds).  Prentice-Hall.

2008: Ethics in Practice (3rd ed). H. LaFollette (ed.) Blackwell.

2004: Moral Philosophy for Modern Life. Anthony Falikowski (ed.). Pearson, Canada.

2003: Morality and Public Policy. T. Kasachkoff and S. Cahn. Prentice-Hall.

2003: Ethics in Practice (2nd ed) H. LaFollette (ed.). Blackwell.

2000: Papers of the Center for the Study of Ethics and Society. Joseph Ellin (ed.). University of Western Michigan.

The Origin of Speciesism.” (with N. Shanks) Philosophy, 1996, 41-61.

Util-izing Animals.” (with N. Shanks) Journal of Applied Philosophy, 1995, 13-25.


2013: Research Ethics. Gary Comstock, ed. Cambridge University Press.

Two Models of Models in Biomedical Research.” (with N. Shanks) Philosophical Quarterly, 1995, 141-60.   

Animal Experimentation: The Legacy of Claude Bernard.”  (with N. Shanks) International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 1994, 195-210.

Chaos Theory: Analogical Reasoning in Biomedical Research.” (with N. Shanks) Idealistic Studies, 1994, 241-254.

Belief and the Basis of Humor.”  (with N. Shanks) American Philosophical Quarterly,1993, 329-39.


2004: Spanish. Discusiones Filosóficas (Columbian journal).

The Intact Systems Argument: Problems with the Standard Defense of Animal Experimentation.” (with N. Shanks) Southern Journal of Philosophy, 1993, 323-33.

Animal Models in Biomedical Research: Some Epistemological Worries.” (with N. Shanks) Public Affairs Quarterly, 1993, 113-130.


2009: Philosophy Across the Life Sciences.  R. Skipper, et al.  MIT Press

The Truth in Ethical Relativism.  Journal of Social Philosophy, 1991, 146-54.

Freedom of Religion and ChildrenPublic Affairs Quarterly, 1989, 75-87.


1996: Children's Rights Re-visioned. R. Ladd (ed.). Wadsworth.

Seeking Justice.” (with M. Braswell) The American Journal of Criminal Justice, Spring 1988, 135-46.

Honesty and Intimacy.”  (with G. Graham) Journal of Social and Personal RelationshipsMarch 1986, 3-18.


2000: Philosophie und Sex. P. Balzer & K. Rippe (eds). Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag.

1993: Gender Basics. A. Minas (ed.). Wadsworth.

1987: Person to Person. In G. Graham and H. LaFollette (eds). Temple University Press.

Moral Kinds & Natural Kinds.” (with G. Graham) Journal of Value Inquiry, 1982, 85-100.

Plantinga on the Free Will Defense”. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Spring, 1980, 123-32.


2004: The Impossibility of God. M. Martin and R. Monnier (eds). (Prometheus Books).

Licensing Parents.” Philosophy and Public Affairs, Winter, 1980, 182-97.

Translated and Reprinted:

2016: Korean Juvenile Protection Review (vol. 28. Number 3).


2018: Morality and Moral Controversies (10th ed). S. Scalet and J. Arthur (eds.). Routledge

2013: Morality and Moral Controversies (9th ed). S. Scalet and J. Arthur (eds.). Prentice-Hall

2011: The Ethical Life: Fundamental Readings in Ethics and Moral Problems (2nd ed.). R. Shafer-Landau. Oxford University Press.

2009: Morality and Moral Controversies (8th ed). J. Arthur and S. Scalet (eds.). Prentice-Hall

2009: The Ethical Life: Fundamental Readings in Ethics and Moral Problems.  R. Shafer-Landau.  Oxford University Press.

2005: What's Wrong: Applied Ethicists and Their Critics. D. Boonin and G. Oddie (eds). Oxford University Press

2005: Morality and Moral Controversies (7th ed). J. Arthur (ed.) Prentice-Hall.

2005: Environmental Ethics (4th ed). L. Pojman (ed.). Wadsworth.

2004: Reflective Moral Reasoning., S. Dimock and C. Tucker. Thomson Nelson.

2004: Critically Thinking about Medical Ethics. R. Card (ed.). Prentice-Hall.

2004: Should Parents be Licensed?  P. Tittle (ed.). Prometheus.

2003: The Moral Life (2nd ed).  L. Pojman (ed.). Oxford University Press.

2002: Morality and Moral Controversies (6th ed). J. Arthur. Prentice-Hall.

2001: Environmental Ethics (3rd ed). L. Pojman (ed.). Wadsworth.

2000: Family, State, and Law. M. Freeman (ed.). Ashgate Publishing.

2000: Power Web Philosophy. G. Pence (ed.). McGraw-Hill.

1999: Cases and Materials on Family Law (4th ed). J. Areen (ed.). Foundation Press.

1999: Family Values. L. Houlgate (ed.). Wadsworth.

1999: The Moral Life. L. Pojman (ed.). Oxford University Press.

1998: The Moral Life (2nd ed). C. Brown and S. Luper (eds). Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich.

1998: Morality and Moral Controversies (5th ed) J. Arthur (ed.). Prentice-Hall.

1998: Environmental Ethics (2nd ed). L. Pojman (ed.). Wadsworth.

1996: Morality and Moral Controversies (4th ed). J. Arthur (ed.). Prentice-Hall.

1994: Environmental Ethics. L. Pojman (ed.). Wadsworth.

1993: Morality and Moral Controversies (3rd ed). J. Arthur (ed.). Prentice-Hall.

1992: Cases and Materials on Family Law (3rd ed). J. Areen (ed.). Foundation Press.

1992: The Moral Life. C. Brown and S. Luper-Foy (eds). Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich.

1989: Moral Choices. J. Grcic (ed.). West Publishing.

1986: Asking the Right Questions (2nd ed). M.N. Browne and S. Keeley. Prentice-Hall.

1986: Morality and Moral Controversies (2nd ed). J. Arthur (ed.). Prentice-Hall.

1985: Occasions for Philosophy (2nd ed). J. Edwards (ed.). Prentice-Hall.

1985: Cases and Materials on Family Law (2nd ed). J. Areen (ed.). Foundation Press.

Essays in Books

Animal Experimentation in Biomedical Research.”  In T. Beauchamp and R.G. Frey, Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics, 2011, 796-825.

Reprinted (and abridged):

2014: Ethics in Practice (4th edn). H. LaFollette (ed.). Wiley Blackwell.

World Hunger.”  In C. Wellman & R. Frey (eds). Blackwell Companion to Applied Ethics. Blackwell, 2003, 238-53.

Pragmatic Ethics.” In my Blackwell Guide of Ethical Theory. Blackwell, 1999, 400-19.

Revised and Reprinted:

In my Ethics in Practice, 6th edition (2025).


2004: Chinese: China Renmin University Press


2025:  Ethics in Practice 6th.  Revised.


2002: NetLibrary

Circumscribed Autonomy: Children, Care, and Custody.” In J. Bartkowiack and U. Narayan(eds), Having and Raising Children. Penn State Press, 1998, 137-52.

Suffer the Little Children: Responsibility and Hunger” (with L. May). In W. Aiken and H. LaFollette (eds), World Hunger and Morality. Prentice-Hall, 1995, 70-84.


2010: Life Sciences Ethics, Gary Comstrock (ed), 2nd edition (renamed).  Springer.

2006: Contemporary Moral Issues (3rd ed). L. Hinman (ed.). Prentice-Hall.

2001: Life Sciences Ethics, Gary Comstrock (ed). Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press.

2000: Contemporary Moral Issues (2nd ed). L. Hinman (ed.), Harcourt Brace, Jovanovich.

Two Forms of Paternalism.” In A. Peczenik and M. Karlsson (eds), Law, Justice, Rights, and the State. Franz Steiner Verlag, 1995, 188-94.

Mandatory Drug Testing.  In S. Luper-Foy and C. Brown (eds), Drugs, Morality, and the Law.  Garland Press, 1994, 283-99.

Real Men.”. In L. May and R. Strikwerda (eds), Rethinking Masculinity. Rowman and  Littlefield, 1992, 59-74.


1996: Rethinking Masculinity (2nd ed). L. May and R. Strikwerda (eds).Rowman and Littlefield.


2002: Portuguese.

Personal Relationships.” In Singer (ed.), Companion to Ethics. Blackwell, 1990, 327-32.


2001: Ourselves and Others. Jehanne Anabtawi (ed.) Seven Bridges Press.


2006: Romanian. Polirom.

2005: Serbian. Izdavacka Knjizarnica Zorana Stojanovica.

2005: Korean. Chulhak-Kwa-Hyunsil.

2003: Chinese. The Commercial Press, Beijing.

2001: Turkish. Yapi Yayinlari.

1998: Polish. Wydawnictwo Ksiazka i Wiedza, Warsaw.

1995: Spanish. Compendio de Ética. Publishing Alliance, Madrid.

Animal Rights and Human Wrongs.”  In N. Dower (ed.), Ethics and the Environment. Gower Press, 1989, 79-90.

Reprinted (and translated):

2008: A Arte de Pensar vol. 11 (Portugese). A. Almeida et al. (eds). Didactica Editoria (Lisbon).

The Truth in Psychological Egoism.”  In J. Feinberg (ed.), Reason and Responsibility (7th  ed). Wadsworth, 1988, 500-7.

Applied Philosophy Misapplied.” In N. Rescher, et. al. (eds), The Applied Turn in Contemporary Philosophy. Bowling Green University Press, 1983, 88-96.

"Why Libertarianism Is Mistaken".  In J. Arthur and W. Shaw (eds), Justice & Economic Distribution. Prentice-Hall, 1979, 194-206.


2010: Consider Philosophy.  B. Waller (ed.).  Prentice-Hall.

1996: Business Ethics and Business as Usual. S. Harwood (ed.). Jones and Bartlett.

Short Articles, Commentaries, Bibliographic & Review Essays

Nagel-ing Worries about Fish Sentience." Animal Sentience. 13(6). October 2017.

The Physician's Conscience.”  American Journal of Bioethics, November 2007.

Foreword to 2nd Turkish Translation of Personal Relationships. Ayrinti Press, 2000.

Reply to Critics.” Metascience, July 1998.

Theorizing about Ethics.” In my Ethics in Practice: An Anthology. Blackwell, 1997


2020: Ethiics in Practice (5th edn).  H. LaFollette (ed.).  Blackwell.

2014: Ethics in Practice (4th edn).  H. LaFollette (ed.) Blackwell.

2008: Ethics in Practice (3rd edn). H. LaFollette (ed.) Blackwell.

2003: Ethics in Practice (2nd edn) H. LaFollette (ed.). Blackwell.

Claude Bernard.” (with N. Shanks) Encyclopedia of Animal Rights. Greenwood, 1997.

Bio-Cartesianism.” (with N. Shanks) Encyclopedia of Animal Rights. Greenwood, 1997.

Utilitarian Assessment of Animal Experimentation.” (with N. Shanks) Encyclopedia of Animal Rights. Greenwood Press, 1997.


2008: Encyclopedia of Animal Rights (2nd edn.).  Greenwood.

Evolution  and Animal Experimentation.” (with N. Shanks) Encyclopedia of Animal Rights. Greenwood Press, 1997.

Krogh Principle.” (with N. Shanks) Encyclopedia of Animal Rights. Greenwood, 1997.


2008: Encyclopedia of Animal Rights (2nd edn.).  Greenwood.

Animal Modeling in Psycho-pharmacological Contexts.” (with N. Shanks) Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1993, 653-4.

Making Moral Children.” (review essay) Behaviorism, 1987.

Re-establishing a Relationship.” Newsletter of the International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships, 1986.

Reply to Frisch.” Philosophy and Public Affairs, Spring 1982, 181-3.

Bibliographic essay on children's rights. APA's Newsletter on Law and Philosophy, 1981.

Book Reviews

The Moral and Legal Status of Children. D. Archard and C. Macleod (eds). In  Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2004.

Making Babies. M. Warnock. In Philosophical Quarterly, 2003.

World Poverty and Human Rights, T. Pogge. In Ethics, 2003.

Reconstituting Social Criticism, I. MacKenzie and S. O'Neill (eds). In Ethics, 2002.

What We Owe to Each Other. T.M. Scanlon. In Philosophical Quarterly, 2000.

Darwinian Dominion. L. Petrovonich In Metacience, 2000.

Animals and Their Moral Standing. S. Clark. In Metacience, 1998.

Autonomy & Intervention. J. Kultgen. In Philosophical Quarterly, 1998.

The Patient in the Family. H. & J. Lindemann Nelson. In Bioethics, 1997.

Words That Bind. J. Arthur. In International Studies in Philosophy, 1997.

Relationship Morality. J. Kellenberger. In Ethics, 1997.

Morality, Utilitarianism, & Rights. R. Brandt. In Philosophical Quarterly, 1994.

Motivating Political Morality. R. Goodin. In Philosophical Quarterly, 1994.

Human Relationships. P. Gilbert. In Ethics, 1993.

Applied Philosophy. P. Singer (ed.). In Teaching Philosophy, 1989.

Love and Human Separateness. I. Dilman. In Philosophical Books, 1989.

The Ivory Tower. A. Kenney. In Modern Schoolman, 1989.

The Status of Morality. T. Carson. In Modern Schoolman, 1986.

Aristotle's Theory of Moral Insight. T. Engberg-Pedersen. In Modern Schoolman, 1986.

Moral Problems. J. Narveson. In Teaching Philosophy, 1985.

Rights. T. Benditt. In Teaching Philosophy, 1983.

The Child and the State. L. Houlgate. In The Philosophical Review, 1982.

The Politics of Self-Sufficiency. M. Allaby and P. Bunyard. In Canadian Philosophical Reviews, 1982.

Child Maltreatment in the US. S. Nagi. In The National Forum, 1977.

Papers Presented

The Greatest Vice?”  Moral Philosophy Seminar.  Oxford University.  November 2015.

My Conscience May Be My Guide, but You May not Have to Honor It.”  Conscience and Conscience Objection in Healthcare Conference.  Oxford University. Invited. November 2015.

Collateral Consequences of Punishment on Employment.” Conference at the University of Minnesota Law School.  Invited. October 2012.

The Greatest Vice?”  (Keynote) Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, July 2011.

Journalists' Promises, the Confidentiality of Sources, and the Public Good," University of South Florida, April 2009; DePauw University, February 2009.

Liberating Education,” DePauw University, February 2009.

Private Conscience, Public Acts,”  Depauw University Feb. 2009;Conscience and Clinical Practice Conference, University of Chicago, March 2008.

Licensing Parents Revisited” (Keynote). Bearing and Having Children conference. Cape Town and the University of Tennessee, May 2008; University of Chicago, March 2008.

Animal Experimentation Examined,” University of Chicago, March 2008.

The Morality of Wishing”  (Keynote). British Society for Applied Philosophy. Birmingham, June, 2007.

The Use of Cases in Teaching Ethics.”  Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, March 2006.

Conscientious Objection for Pharmacists”  (w/ Eva LaFollette).  Florida Philosophical Society, Nov. 2006; North American Society for Social Philosophy, New York, December 2005; Carleton University, Ottawa, November 2005.

Living on a Slippery Slope.” James Madison University, Oct., 2004; Conference in Honor of James Rachels, Sept. 2004; Binghamton U. April 2002; Central European U. (Budapest) March 2002; Georgia State University and University of Georgia, Oct. 2000; University of Western Michigan, Oct. 1998.

Trust and Distrust.” Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. Feb. 2004.

Collateral Consequences of Punishment: Hidden Sanctions, Visible Effects.”; Iowa State University, April 2004; Purdue University, Feb. 2004; Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Feb. 2004; North American Society for Social Philosophy, Dec. 2003.

Gun Control.” Emory & Henry College, March 2001; American Philosophical Association, Dec. 2000; Georgia State University, Oct. 2000, Guilford College, April 2000; and University of Western Michigan, Oct. 1998.

World Hunger.” North American Society for Social Philosophy, Dec. 2000.

The Moral Costs of Animal Experimentation.” Iowa State University, April 2004; Binghamton University, April 2002; University of Georgia Oct. 2000; Purdue University, May 1999; and University of Rhode Island, Oct. 1997.

A Defense of Affirmative Action.” University of Rhode Island, Oct. 1997.

Getting into the Moral Habit.” University of Zurich, May 1997.

Jealousy.” University of Zurich, May 1997.

Evolutionary Examination of Animal Experimentation.” Balliol College, Oxford, and University of Reading, Jan 1997; Culture and Animals Conference, Raleigh, NC,  October 1996.

Ethical Theory and Practice, Together Again.” North American Society for Social Philosophy, April 1997, and Universities of: Stirling, Sheffield, Leeds, Glasgow, St. Andrews, and Keele, Oct 1996 - Jan 1997.

Children and Autonomy.” Political Studies Association (of the UK). Ulster and University of Northern Iowa, April 1997.

The Origin of Speciesism.” (with N. Shanks) Society for the Study of Ethics and Animals, NY 1995.

The Freedom to Be Free: Children's Right to Choose with Whom They Should Live.” Society for  Philosophy and Public Affairs, New York, 1995.

Species, Speciesism, and Animal Research.” (with N. Shanks) Tennessee Phil. Association, 1993.

Two Kinds of Paternalism.” Sixteenth World Congress, International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 1993.

Humor: A Conceptual Analysis.” (with N. Shanks) University of St. Andrews,  May 1993; and Tennessee Philosophical Association, Fall 1992.

Practical Ethics.” symposium paper, Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1992.

Animal Models.” (with N. Shanks) Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1991.

The Doctrine of Double Effect.” symposium paper, Tennessee Philosophical Association 1990.

Equity in Relationships.” 4th International Conference on Personal Relationships, 1988.

Freedom of Religion & Children.” Scottish Jurisprudence Discussion Group, May 1987.

Animal Rights and Human Wrongs.” Guilford College, April 2000; University of Aberdeen,  March 1986.

On not Tolerating the Intolerable.” Moral Aspects of Nuclear Deterrence Conference, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1985.

Honesty and Intimacy.” 2nd International Conference on Personal Relationships, 1984.

The Truth in Ethical Relativism.” Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1983.

Applied Philosophy Misapplied.” Bowling Green Conference on the Applied Turn in Contemporary Philosophy, 1983.

The Revival of Virtue.” (discussion of After Virtue, with commentary by A. MacIntyre). Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1982.

The Truth in Psychological Egoism.” Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1981.

Humanist participant,.“Ethical Issues in Agribusiness.” conference, U. Delaware, 1981.

Paternalism and Paternalism.” St. Mary's College, 1981.

Licensing Parents”  Georgia State University, Nov. 2000; Emory & Henry College, 1983; Loyola University symposium, "Justice for the Child," 1979.

Moral Kinds and Natural Kinds.” Southern Society of Philosophy & Psychology, 1978.

Is There a Right to Food.” Keynote address at a conference on world hunger, Tennessee  Committee for the Humanities, 1978.

God, Freedom, and Evil.” Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1975.

Grants and Awards

Chosen "Professor of the Month" at USF.  Story in the student newspaper focuses on my teaching (2014).

The International Encyclopedia of Ethics was given Honorable Mention in competition for the Best Reference Work of 2013 by the Research User Services Association.

Norwegian Research Council grant to teach intensive graduate course,“World Hunger and Morality,” (August 2001)

Visiting Research Scholar, University of Stirling (1996-97)

Tennent Caledonian Fellow, University of St. Andrews (1986-87)

NEH Summer Seminar: Joel Feinberg, “The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law” (1984)

NEH Summer Seminar: Richard Rorty, “Epistemological and Moral Relativism” (1979)

Professional Service

Advisory Board, Oxford Handbook Series, 2012–.

Editorial Board, “Philosophy and Public Policy” series, Springer, 2012–

Organizer of two symposia (6 papers), Society for Applied Philosophy, at American Philosophical Association, San Diego, 2014.

Organizer of two symposia (6 papers), Society for Applied Philosophy, at American Philosophical Association, Baltimore, 2013.

Organizer of two symposia (5 papers), Society for Applied Philosophy, at American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, 2013.

Organizer of two symposia (4 papers), Society for Applied Philosophy, at American Philosophical Association, Atlanta, GA 2012

Organizer of two symposia (5 papers), Society for Applied Philosophy, at American Philosophical Association, Washington, DC, 2011.

Organizer of two symposia (5 papers), Society for Applied Ph0ilosophy, at American Philosophical Association, Boston, 2010.

Organizer of three symposia (6 papers), Society for Applied Philosophy, at American Philosophical Association, New York City, 2009.

Co-organizer two symposia (4 papers), Society for Applied Philosophy, at American Philosophical Association, Philadelphia, 2008.

Executive Committee, Society for Applied Philosophy. 2008-2014

International Advisory Board of the Journal of Applied Philosophy. 2007-.2018

Editorial board for the Association of Practical and Professional Ethics' OUP book series 2004-10.

Editorial board of Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2006-08

Editorial board of the Journal of Applied Philosophy. 2002-08.

Special Advisor, NSF grant to the American Philosophical Association, “Building Capability in Philosophical Approaches to Ethics and Science and Technology”  2004-. Organized a symposium for the grant at the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, 2004.

Reviewer for Journals: Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Behavior and Philosophy, Dialogue, Ethics, Journal of Philosophical Research, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Mind, Political Philosophy, Social Theory and Practice; Publishers: Blackwell, Cambridge University Press, Edinburgh University Press, Oxford University Press, McGraw-Hill, Macmillan, Prentice-Hall, Routledge, Springer, and Wadsworth.

External reviewer for numerous grant proposals, applications for promotion and tenure.

Produced and hosted a weekly 30-minute interview show (“Ideas and Issues”) on the local National Public Radio affiliate (WETS-FM). 1995-2004 [].

Member of the APA's ad hoc Committee on Prizes, 2002.

Organized a symposium on Collateral Consequences of Punishment. Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, 2004; North American Society for Social Philosophy, 2003.

Organized a symposium for the International Society for Environmental Ethics. May 2000.

Organized and chaired symposium on the work of Joel Feinberg, Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association (Berkeley 1999).

Organized and chaired symposium on Teaching Philosophy for the APA (Chicago 1998)

President of APA Central Division's Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy.

Organized and chaired symposium on Ethical Theory. North American Society for Social Philosophy, Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association (Boston, 1997).

Organized and chaired symposium on Theory and Practice. North American Society for Social Philosophy, Central Division of the APA (Pittsburgh, 1997).

Organized & chaired symposium, International Conference on Personal Relationships (BC 1988).

Program chairman, American Society for Value Inquiry (Boston 1981).

Program Committee: Intermountain Philosophical Society (Johnson City1980-81)

President, Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1979-80.

Other work experience

Reporter for The Tennessean, May 1970 - September 1972.  Covered city government (legislative and  administrative) of Nashville.

Consultant to the Nashville Planning Commission, 1973. Helped develop a comprehensive plan for government services.

Tennessee manager for News Election Service, 1972. Organized a system to collect election  results  for ABC, CBS, NBC, AP, and UPI.

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