Hugh LaFollette Robert Marion LaFollette's 1924 Speech |
[Classes] [Ethics Resources] [Former Radio Show] [International Encyclopedia of Ethics] [Brief Bio] [Personal] [Research] |
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You may read or link to these essays. Do not place copies of them on another server. |
Books |
In Defense of Gun Control. Oxford University Press, 2018. |
The Practice of Ethics. Blackwell, 2007. | ||||||||
Brute Science: The Dilemmas of Animal Experimentation (with N. Shanks). Routledge 1997 (Philosophical Issues in Science series). |
Personal Relationships: Love, Identity, and Morality. Blackwell 1996. |
Translated: |
2000: Slovenian. Mariboir. |
2000: Turkish. (2nd ed, trans. Femma Lekesizalin). Ayrinti Press. |
1997: Turkish. (trans. Femma Lekesizalin). Ayrinti Press. |
Chapters Reprinted: |
1999: “Morality and Personal Relationships.” In S. Luper and C. Brown (eds), The Moral Life (2nd ed). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. |
Books Edited |
Ethics in Practice: An Anthology (5th edition), Wiley Blackwell, 2020. 6th Edition forthcoming (2025). |
Earlier editions: |
4th edition: 2014 |
3rd edition: 2007 |
2nd edition: 2002 |
Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory (2nd edition), with Ingmar Persson. Wiley Blackwell, 2013. |
Earlier Editions: |
1st edition: 2001 |
Translated (1st edition): |
Reprinted (1st edition) |
2002: NetLibrary (electronic) |
Oxford Handbook of Practical Ethics. Oxford, 2003. |
Reprinted: |
2005: My Library (electronic) |
2003: EBSCO (electronic) |
World Hunger and Morality (with W. Aiken). Prentice-Hall, 1996. |
Person to Person (with G. Graham). Temple University Press, 1989. |
Whose Child (with W. Aiken). Rowman & Allenheld, 1980. Reissued: |
2025 or 2026: with permission of Rowman. with new essays. Stay tuned. |
World Hunger and Moral Obligation (with W. Aiken). Prentice-Hall, 1977. |
Encyclopedia Edited |
International Encyclopedia of Ethics [2nd ed] (11 volumes). Editor-in-chief. Wiley Blackwell 2021. Publisher's IEE Site. The 1st print edition appeared in 2013. The first online update apppeared mid-2015, with annual updates thereafter. By the 2025 update, there will be more than ninety new and ninety revised entries. |
Journal Articles (long) |
"Living without a God." Think (2025). Forthcoming. | |||||
"Self-Made Person: Myth, Reality, and Promise." Filosofiska Notiser. 10.1 -- pp/ 57-68 (2023). |
"Kinship and Intimacy." Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics. 2017: 33-40. |
"My Conscience May Be My Guide, but You May not Need to Honor It." Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics, 2017: 44-58. |
Reprinted: | |||||
2021: Ethics in Practice (5th). | |||||
"The Greatest Vice?" Journal of Practical Ethics, 2016, 4 (2): 1-24. |
“The Limits of Haidt: How His Explanation of Political Animosity Fails,” (with M. Woodruff). Philosophical Psychology, 2015, 452-65. |
“Licensing Parents Revisited,” Journal of Applied Philosophy, 2010, 327-43. |
Translated: | |||||
2023: Philosophie der Kindheit. Springer. | |||||
Reprinted: |
2017: Parental Rights and Responsibilities, Stephen Gilmore (ed). Routledge. |
2016: Ashgate Library of Essays on Family Rights, Stephen Gilmore (ed). Ashgate Popularized version of themes: 2022: "Parents, Children, and Education." Page E4, Knoxville News Sentinel, 20 November. |
“Private Conscience, Public Acts”, (with E. LaFollette). Journal of Medical Ethics, 2007. |
Reprinted: |
2009: Newsletter of Philosophy and Medicine (American Philosophical Association). Renamed, “The Professional Conscience” (2nd page of the Newsletter proper; 4th page of the PDF). |
“Living on a Slippery Slope.” The Journal of Ethics, 2005, 475-99. |
“Collateral Consequences of Punishment: Civil Penalties Accompanying Formal Punishment.” Journal of Applied Philosophy, 2005, 241-61. |
“Controlling Guns.”Criminal Justice Ethics. 2001. |
“Gun Control.” Ethics, 2000, 263-81. |
Reprinted: |
2018: Political Problems. S. Cahn and R. Talisse. Routledge |
2011: Political Problems. S. Cahn and R. Talisse (eds). Prentice-Hall. |
2008: Ethics in Practice (3rd ed). H. LaFollette (ed.) Blackwell. |
2004: Moral Philosophy for Modern Life. Anthony Falikowski (ed.). Pearson, Canada. |
2003: Morality and Public Policy. T. Kasachkoff and S. Cahn. Prentice-Hall. |
2003: Ethics in Practice (2nd ed) H. LaFollette (ed.). Blackwell. |
2000: Papers of the Center for the Study of Ethics and Society. Joseph Ellin (ed.). University of Western Michigan. |
“The Origin of Speciesism.” (with N. Shanks) Philosophy, 1996, 41-61. |
“Util-izing Animals.” (with N. Shanks) Journal of Applied Philosophy, 1995, 13-25. |
Reprinted: |
2013: Research Ethics. Gary Comstock, ed. Cambridge University Press. |
“Two Models of Models in Biomedical Research.” (with N. Shanks) Philosophical Quarterly, 1995, 141-60. |
“Animal Experimentation: The Legacy of Claude Bernard.” (with N. Shanks) International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 1994, 195-210. |
“Chaos Theory: Analogical Reasoning in Biomedical Research.” (with N. Shanks) Idealistic Studies, 1994, 241-254. |
“Belief and the Basis of Humor.” (with N. Shanks) American Philosophical Quarterly,1993, 329-39. |
Translated: |
2004: Spanish. Discusiones Filosóficas (Columbian journal). |
“The Intact Systems Argument: Problems with the Standard Defense of Animal Experimentation.” (with N. Shanks) Southern Journal of Philosophy, 1993, 323-33. |
“Animal Models in Biomedical Research: Some Epistemological Worries.” (with N. Shanks) Public Affairs Quarterly, 1993, 113-130. |
Reprinted: |
2009: Philosophy Across the Life Sciences. R. Skipper, et al. MIT Press |
“The Truth in Ethical Relativism.” Journal of Social Philosophy, 1991, 146-54. |
“Freedom of Religion and Children” Public Affairs Quarterly, 1989, 75-87. |
Reprinted: |
1996: Children's Rights Re-visioned. R. Ladd (ed.). Wadsworth. |
“Seeking Justice.” (with M. Braswell) The American Journal of Criminal Justice, Spring 1988, 135-46. |
“Honesty and Intimacy.” (with G. Graham) Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, March 1986, 3-18. |
Reprinted: |
2000: Philosophie und Sex. P. Balzer & K. Rippe (eds). Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag. |
1993: Gender Basics. A. Minas (ed.). Wadsworth. |
1987: Person to Person. In G. Graham and H. LaFollette (eds). Temple University Press. |
“Moral Kinds & Natural Kinds.” (with G. Graham) Journal of Value Inquiry, 1982, 85-100. “Plantinga on the Free Will Defense”. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Spring, 1980, 123-32. |
2004: The Impossibility of God. M. Martin and R. Monnier (eds). (Prometheus Books). |
“Licensing Parents.” Philosophy and Public Affairs, Winter, 1980, 182-97. |
Translated and Reprinted: |
2016: Korean Juvenile Protection Review (vol. 28. Number 3). |
Reprinted: |
2018: Morality and Moral Controversies (10th ed). S. Scalet and J. Arthur (eds.). Routledge |
2013: Morality and Moral Controversies (9th ed). S. Scalet and J. Arthur (eds.). Prentice-Hall |
2011: The Ethical Life: Fundamental Readings in Ethics and Moral Problems (2nd ed.). R. Shafer-Landau. Oxford University Press. |
2009: Morality and Moral Controversies (8th ed). J. Arthur and S. Scalet (eds.). Prentice-Hall |
2009: The Ethical Life: Fundamental Readings in Ethics and Moral Problems. R. Shafer-Landau. Oxford University Press. |
2005: What's Wrong: Applied Ethicists and Their Critics. D. Boonin and G. Oddie (eds). Oxford University Press |
2005: Morality and Moral Controversies (7th ed). J. Arthur (ed.) Prentice-Hall. |
2005: Environmental Ethics (4th ed). L. Pojman (ed.). Wadsworth. |
2004: Reflective Moral Reasoning., S. Dimock and C. Tucker. Thomson Nelson. |
2004: Critically Thinking about Medical Ethics. R. Card (ed.). Prentice-Hall. |
2004: Should Parents be Licensed? P. Tittle (ed.). Prometheus. |
2003: The Moral Life (2nd ed). L. Pojman (ed.). Oxford University Press. |
2002: Morality and Moral Controversies (6th ed). J. Arthur. Prentice-Hall. |
2001: Environmental Ethics (3rd ed). L. Pojman (ed.). Wadsworth. |
2000: Family, State, and Law. M. Freeman (ed.). Ashgate Publishing. |
2000: Power Web Philosophy. G. Pence (ed.). McGraw-Hill. |
1999: Cases and Materials on Family Law (4th ed). J. Areen (ed.). Foundation Press. |
1999: Family Values. L. Houlgate (ed.). Wadsworth. |
1999: The Moral Life. L. Pojman (ed.). Oxford University Press. |
1998: The Moral Life (2nd ed). C. Brown and S. Luper (eds). Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. |
1998: Morality and Moral Controversies (5th ed) J. Arthur (ed.). Prentice-Hall. |
1998: Environmental Ethics (2nd ed). L. Pojman (ed.). Wadsworth. |
1996: Morality and Moral Controversies (4th ed). J. Arthur (ed.). Prentice-Hall. |
1994: Environmental Ethics. L. Pojman (ed.). Wadsworth. |
1993: Morality and Moral Controversies (3rd ed). J. Arthur (ed.). Prentice-Hall. |
1992: Cases and Materials on Family Law (3rd ed). J. Areen (ed.). Foundation Press. |
1992: The Moral Life. C. Brown and S. Luper-Foy (eds). Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. |
1989: Moral Choices. J. Grcic (ed.). West Publishing. |
1986: Asking the Right Questions (2nd ed). M.N. Browne and S. Keeley. Prentice-Hall. |
1986: Morality and Moral Controversies (2nd ed). J. Arthur (ed.). Prentice-Hall. |
1985: Occasions for Philosophy (2nd ed). J. Edwards (ed.). Prentice-Hall. |
1985: Cases and Materials on Family Law (2nd ed). J. Areen (ed.). Foundation Press. |
Essays in Books |
“Animal Experimentation in Biomedical Research.” In T. Beauchamp and R.G. Frey, Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics, 2011, 796-825. |
Reprinted (and abridged): |
2014: Ethics in Practice (4th edn). H. LaFollette (ed.). Wiley Blackwell. |
“World Hunger.” In C. Wellman & R. Frey (eds). Blackwell Companion to Applied Ethics. Blackwell, 2003, 238-53. |
“Pragmatic Ethics.” In my Blackwell Guide of Ethical Theory. Blackwell, 1999, 400-19. |
Revised and Reprinted: In my Ethics in Practice, 6th edition (2025). Translated: |
2004: Chinese: China Renmin University Press |
Reprinted: |
2025: Ethics in Practice 6th. Revised. |
Reprinted: |
2002: NetLibrary |
“Circumscribed Autonomy: Children, Care, and Custody.” In J. Bartkowiack and U. Narayan(eds), Having and Raising Children. Penn State Press, 1998, 137-52. |
“Suffer the Little Children: Responsibility and Hunger” (with L. May). In W. Aiken and H. LaFollette (eds), World Hunger and Morality. Prentice-Hall, 1995, 70-84. |
Reprinted: |
2010: Life Sciences Ethics, Gary Comstrock (ed), 2nd edition (renamed). Springer. |
2006: Contemporary Moral Issues (3rd ed). L. Hinman (ed.). Prentice-Hall. |
2001: Life Sciences Ethics, Gary Comstrock (ed). Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press. |
2000: Contemporary Moral Issues (2nd ed). L. Hinman (ed.), Harcourt Brace, Jovanovich. |
“Two Forms of Paternalism.” In A. Peczenik and M. Karlsson (eds), Law, Justice, Rights, and the State. Franz Steiner Verlag, 1995, 188-94. |
“Mandatory Drug Testing.” In S. Luper-Foy and C. Brown (eds), Drugs, Morality, and the Law. Garland Press, 1994, 283-99. |
“Real Men.”. In L. May and R. Strikwerda (eds), Rethinking Masculinity. Rowman and Littlefield, 1992, 59-74. |
Reprinted: |
1996: Rethinking Masculinity (2nd ed). L. May and R. Strikwerda (eds).Rowman and Littlefield. |
Translated: |
2002: Portuguese. |
“Personal Relationships.” In Singer (ed.), Companion to Ethics. Blackwell, 1990, 327-32. |
Reprinted: |
2001: Ourselves and Others. Jehanne Anabtawi (ed.) Seven Bridges Press. |
Translated: |
2006: Romanian. Polirom. |
2005: Serbian. Izdavacka Knjizarnica Zorana Stojanovica. |
2005: Korean. Chulhak-Kwa-Hyunsil. |
2003: Chinese. The Commercial Press, Beijing. |
2001: Turkish. Yapi Yayinlari. |
1998: Polish. Wydawnictwo Ksiazka i Wiedza, Warsaw. |
1995: Spanish. Compendio de Ética. Publishing Alliance, Madrid. |
“Animal Rights and Human Wrongs.” In N. Dower (ed.), Ethics and the Environment. Gower Press, 1989, 79-90. |
Reprinted (and translated): |
2008: A Arte de Pensar vol. 11 (Portugese). A. Almeida et al. (eds). Didactica Editoria (Lisbon). |
“The Truth in Psychological Egoism.” In J. Feinberg (ed.), Reason and Responsibility (7th ed). Wadsworth, 1988, 500-7. |
“Applied Philosophy Misapplied.” In N. Rescher, et. al. (eds), The Applied Turn in Contemporary Philosophy. Bowling Green University Press, 1983, 88-96. |
"Why Libertarianism Is Mistaken". In J. Arthur and W. Shaw (eds), Justice & Economic Distribution. Prentice-Hall, 1979, 194-206. |
Reprinted: |
2010: Consider Philosophy. B. Waller (ed.). Prentice-Hall. |
1996: Business Ethics and Business as Usual. S. Harwood (ed.). Jones and Bartlett. |
Short Articles, Commentaries, Bibliographic & Review Essays |
“Nagel-ing Worries about Fish Sentience." Animal Sentience. 13(6). October 2017. |
“The Physician's Conscience.” American Journal of Bioethics, November 2007. |
Foreword to 2nd Turkish Translation of Personal Relationships. Ayrinti Press, 2000. |
“Reply to Critics.” Metascience, July 1998. |
“Theorizing about Ethics.” In my Ethics in Practice: An Anthology. Blackwell, 1997 |
Reprinted: |
2020: Ethiics in Practice (5th edn). H. LaFollette (ed.). Blackwell. | ||
2014: Ethics in Practice (4th edn). H. LaFollette (ed.) Blackwell. |
2008: Ethics in Practice (3rd edn). H. LaFollette (ed.) Blackwell. |
2003: Ethics in Practice (2nd edn) H. LaFollette (ed.). Blackwell. |
“Claude Bernard.” (with N. Shanks) Encyclopedia of Animal Rights. Greenwood, 1997. |
“Bio-Cartesianism.” (with N. Shanks) Encyclopedia of Animal Rights. Greenwood, 1997. |
“Utilitarian Assessment of Animal Experimentation.” (with N. Shanks) Encyclopedia of Animal Rights. Greenwood Press, 1997. |
Reprinted: |
2008: Encyclopedia of Animal Rights (2nd edn.). Greenwood. |
“Evolution and Animal Experimentation.” (with N. Shanks) Encyclopedia of Animal Rights. Greenwood Press, 1997. |
“Krogh Principle.” (with N. Shanks) Encyclopedia of Animal Rights. Greenwood, 1997. |
Reprinted: |
2008: Encyclopedia of Animal Rights (2nd edn.). Greenwood. |
“Animal Modeling in Psycho-pharmacological Contexts.” (with N. Shanks) Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1993, 653-4. |
“Making Moral Children.” (review essay) Behaviorism, 1987. |
“Re-establishing a Relationship.” Newsletter of the International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships, 1986. |
“Reply to Frisch.” Philosophy and Public Affairs, Spring 1982, 181-3. |
Bibliographic essay on children's rights. APA's Newsletter on Law and Philosophy, 1981. |
Book Reviews |
The Moral and Legal Status of Children. D. Archard and C. Macleod (eds). In Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2004. |
Making Babies. M. Warnock. In Philosophical Quarterly, 2003. |
World Poverty and Human Rights, T. Pogge. In Ethics, 2003. |
Reconstituting Social Criticism, I. MacKenzie and S. O'Neill (eds). In Ethics, 2002. |
What We Owe to Each Other. T.M. Scanlon. In Philosophical Quarterly, 2000. |
Darwinian Dominion. L. Petrovonich In Metacience, 2000. |
Animals and Their Moral Standing. S. Clark. In Metacience, 1998. |
Autonomy & Intervention. J. Kultgen. In Philosophical Quarterly, 1998. |
The Patient in the Family. H. & J. Lindemann Nelson. In Bioethics, 1997. |
Words That Bind. J. Arthur. In International Studies in Philosophy, 1997. |
Relationship Morality. J. Kellenberger. In Ethics, 1997. |
Morality, Utilitarianism, & Rights. R. Brandt. In Philosophical Quarterly, 1994. |
Motivating Political Morality. R. Goodin. In Philosophical Quarterly, 1994. |
Human Relationships. P. Gilbert. In Ethics, 1993. |
Applied Philosophy. P. Singer (ed.). In Teaching Philosophy, 1989. |
Love and Human Separateness. I. Dilman. In Philosophical Books, 1989. |
The Ivory Tower. A. Kenney. In Modern Schoolman, 1989. |
The Status of Morality. T. Carson. In Modern Schoolman, 1986. |
Aristotle's Theory of Moral Insight. T. Engberg-Pedersen. In Modern Schoolman, 1986. |
Moral Problems. J. Narveson. In Teaching Philosophy, 1985. |
Rights. T. Benditt. In Teaching Philosophy, 1983. |
The Child and the State. L. Houlgate. In The Philosophical Review, 1982. |
The Politics of Self-Sufficiency. M. Allaby and P. Bunyard. In Canadian Philosophical Reviews, 1982. |
Child Maltreatment in the US. S. Nagi. In The National Forum, 1977. |
Papers Presented |
“The Greatest Vice?” Moral Philosophy Seminar. Oxford University. November 2015. |
“My Conscience May Be My Guide, but You May not Have to Honor It.” Conscience and Conscience Objection in Healthcare Conference. Oxford University. Invited. November 2015. |
“Collateral Consequences of Punishment on Employment.” Conference at the University of Minnesota Law School. Invited. October 2012. |
”The Greatest Vice?” (Keynote) Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, July 2011. |
“Journalists' Promises, the Confidentiality of Sources, and the Public Good," University of South Florida, April 2009; DePauw University, February 2009. |
“Liberating Education,” DePauw University, February 2009. |
“Private Conscience, Public Acts,” Depauw University Feb. 2009;Conscience and Clinical Practice Conference, University of Chicago, March 2008. |
“Licensing Parents Revisited” (Keynote). Bearing and Having Children conference. Cape Town and the University of Tennessee, May 2008; University of Chicago, March 2008. |
“Animal Experimentation Examined,” University of Chicago, March 2008. |
“The Morality of Wishing” (Keynote). British Society for Applied Philosophy. Birmingham, June, 2007. |
“The Use of Cases in Teaching Ethics.” Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, March 2006. |
“Conscientious Objection for Pharmacists” (w/ Eva LaFollette). Florida Philosophical Society, Nov. 2006; North American Society for Social Philosophy, New York, December 2005; Carleton University, Ottawa, November 2005. |
“Living on a Slippery Slope.” James Madison University, Oct., 2004; Conference in Honor of James Rachels, Sept. 2004; Binghamton U. April 2002; Central European U. (Budapest) March 2002; Georgia State University and University of Georgia, Oct. 2000; University of Western Michigan, Oct. 1998. |
“Trust and Distrust.” Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. Feb. 2004. |
“Collateral Consequences of Punishment: Hidden Sanctions, Visible Effects.”; Iowa State University, April 2004; Purdue University, Feb. 2004; Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Feb. 2004; North American Society for Social Philosophy, Dec. 2003. |
“Gun Control.” Emory & Henry College, March 2001; American Philosophical Association, Dec. 2000; Georgia State University, Oct. 2000, Guilford College, April 2000; and University of Western Michigan, Oct. 1998. |
“World Hunger.” North American Society for Social Philosophy, Dec. 2000. |
“The Moral Costs of Animal Experimentation.” Iowa State University, April 2004; Binghamton University, April 2002; University of Georgia Oct. 2000; Purdue University, May 1999; and University of Rhode Island, Oct. 1997. |
“A Defense of Affirmative Action.” University of Rhode Island, Oct. 1997. |
“Getting into the Moral Habit.” University of Zurich, May 1997. |
“Jealousy.” University of Zurich, May 1997. |
“Evolutionary Examination of Animal Experimentation.” Balliol College, Oxford, and University of Reading, Jan 1997; Culture and Animals Conference, Raleigh, NC, October 1996. |
“Ethical Theory and Practice, Together Again.” North American Society for Social Philosophy, April 1997, and Universities of: Stirling, Sheffield, Leeds, Glasgow, St. Andrews, and Keele, Oct 1996 - Jan 1997. |
“Children and Autonomy.” Political Studies Association (of the UK). Ulster and University of Northern Iowa, April 1997. |
“The Origin of Speciesism.” (with N. Shanks) Society for the Study of Ethics and Animals, NY 1995. |
“The Freedom to Be Free: Children's Right to Choose with Whom They Should Live.” Society for Philosophy and Public Affairs, New York, 1995. |
“Species, Speciesism, and Animal Research.” (with N. Shanks) Tennessee Phil. Association, 1993. |
“Two Kinds of Paternalism.” Sixteenth World Congress, International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 1993. |
“Humor: A Conceptual Analysis.” (with N. Shanks) University of St. Andrews, May 1993; and Tennessee Philosophical Association, Fall 1992. |
“Practical Ethics.” symposium paper, Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1992. |
“Animal Models.” (with N. Shanks) Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1991. |
“The Doctrine of Double Effect.” symposium paper, Tennessee Philosophical Association 1990. |
“Equity in Relationships.” 4th International Conference on Personal Relationships, 1988. |
“Freedom of Religion & Children.” Scottish Jurisprudence Discussion Group, May 1987. |
“Animal Rights and Human Wrongs.” Guilford College, April 2000; University of Aberdeen, March 1986. |
“On not Tolerating the Intolerable.” Moral Aspects of Nuclear Deterrence Conference, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1985. |
“Honesty and Intimacy.” 2nd International Conference on Personal Relationships, 1984. |
“The Truth in Ethical Relativism.” Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1983. |
“Applied Philosophy Misapplied.” Bowling Green Conference on the Applied Turn in Contemporary Philosophy, 1983. |
“The Revival of Virtue.” (discussion of After Virtue, with commentary by A. MacIntyre). Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1982. |
“The Truth in Psychological Egoism.” Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1981. |
Humanist participant,.“Ethical Issues in Agribusiness.” conference, U. Delaware, 1981. |
“Paternalism and Paternalism.” St. Mary's College, 1981. |
“Licensing Parents” Georgia State University, Nov. 2000; Emory & Henry College, 1983; Loyola University symposium, "Justice for the Child," 1979. |
“Moral Kinds and Natural Kinds.” Southern Society of Philosophy & Psychology, 1978. |
“Is There a Right to Food.” Keynote address at a conference on world hunger, Tennessee Committee for the Humanities, 1978. |
“God, Freedom, and Evil.” Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1975. |
Grants and Awards |
Chosen "Professor of the Month" at USF. Story in the student newspaper focuses on my teaching (2014). | |
The International Encyclopedia of Ethics was given Honorable Mention in competition for the Best Reference Work of 2013 by the Research User Services Association. |
Norwegian Research Council grant to teach intensive graduate course,“World Hunger and Morality,” (August 2001) |
Visiting Research Scholar, University of Stirling (1996-97) |
Tennent Caledonian Fellow, University of St. Andrews (1986-87) |
NEH Summer Seminar: Joel Feinberg, “The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law” (1984) |
NEH Summer Seminar: Richard Rorty, “Epistemological and Moral Relativism” (1979) |
Professional Service |
Advisory Board, Oxford Handbook Series, 2012–. |
Editorial Board, “Philosophy and Public Policy” series, Springer, 2012– |
Executive Committee, Society for Applied Philosophy. 2008-2014 |
International Advisory Board of the Journal of Applied Philosophy. 2007-.2018 |
Editorial board for the Association of Practical and Professional Ethics' OUP book series 2004-10. |
Editorial board of Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2006-08 |
Editorial board of the Journal of Applied Philosophy. 2002-08. |
Special Advisor, NSF grant to the American Philosophical Association, “Building Capability in Philosophical Approaches to Ethics and Science and Technology” 2004-. Organized a symposium for the grant at the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, 2004. |
Reviewer for Journals: Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Behavior and Philosophy, Dialogue, Ethics, Journal of Philosophical Research, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Mind, Political Philosophy, Social Theory and Practice; Publishers: Blackwell, Cambridge University Press, Edinburgh University Press, Oxford University Press, McGraw-Hill, Macmillan, Prentice-Hall, Routledge, Springer, and Wadsworth. |
External reviewer for numerous grant proposals, applications for promotion and tenure. |
Produced and hosted a weekly 30-minute interview show (“Ideas and Issues”) on the local National Public Radio affiliate (WETS-FM). 1995-2004 []. |
Member of the APA's ad hoc Committee on Prizes, 2002. |
Organized a symposium on Collateral Consequences of Punishment. Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, 2004; North American Society for Social Philosophy, 2003. |
Organized a symposium for the International Society for Environmental Ethics. May 2000. |
Organized and chaired symposium on the work of Joel Feinberg, Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association (Berkeley 1999). |
Organized and chaired symposium on Teaching Philosophy for the APA (Chicago 1998) |
President of APA Central Division's Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy. |
Organized and chaired symposium on Ethical Theory. North American Society for Social Philosophy, Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association (Boston, 1997). |
Organized and chaired symposium on Theory and Practice. North American Society for Social Philosophy, Central Division of the APA (Pittsburgh, 1997). |
Organized & chaired symposium, International Conference on Personal Relationships (BC 1988). |
Program chairman, American Society for Value Inquiry (Boston 1981). |
Program Committee: Intermountain Philosophical Society (Johnson City1980-81) |
President, Tennessee Philosophical Association, 1979-80. |
Other work experience |
Reporter for The Tennessean, May 1970 - September 1972. Covered city government (legislative and administrative) of Nashville. |
Consultant to the Nashville Planning Commission, 1973. Helped develop a comprehensive plan for government services. |
Tennessee manager for News Election Service, 1972. Organized a system to collect election results for ABC, CBS, NBC, AP, and UPI. |
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Last Revised:12/16/2024
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